Life's a Garden. Dig it!!~

~ Thought of the Day ~

Two sides > Light + Darkness = Grayness ? =(*o*)= ~Oooohh!~

Light means good, dark is the other way around.
Good means happy, fullness (not lonely), joyful, bla-bla-bla…
Lonely, sadness, empty, all the ‘bad things you could think of is BAAAD~!

What about Grayness? (combination of good and bad)

Here’s the solutions!!~
Happy = normal (thing to have, or state of mind)
Sad = normal (same)
All things related to good & bad = N.O.R.M.A.L.!!!


Well it equal BALANCE I guess…
Or maybe, the opposite!!~


Abnormality / Con [fusion] (Con fusion…get it?)

Meaning… B.O.R.I.N.G.!!!~ Your not alive if you don’t experience
THE GOOD and THE BAD sides of life! That means your so~ boring (and lame),
that you ought to be left dead in the first place.

So!~ Stop confusing yourself and start living like all people do!!!~


P/S: If anyone looks confuse say’ Hey!~ You look gray!! He! He!~ (not gay…)