The Earth Is Spinning!!!!!!!!

Did anyone notice?!?! Wonder why they didn't put it up in the newspaper or write on the internet~~~ The Earth is spinning.. It means that the ice in the northpole and southpole will be taller as more water is frozen due to winds.

Now.. both sides of the Earth will also experience light and dark times... It's incredible.. It's a miracle!!! So will they change the time on the clock? From my calculations.. There should be 24 hours in order for the Earth to make a complete spin..

Oh.. The TV programs will have to change too... Since there is only 24 hours on the clock.. IF the scienctist and the geography people realises it...

The birds will also have to flee because.. From now on there will be seasons all around the Earth.. From Summer to Spring to Autumn and to Winter.. But from my calculations and the geographical state of the Earth.. There is a chance that the middle of the Earth in between North and South pole will only suffer Summer and Rain...

Hmm.. Looks like the owls will have to sleep now... Since they're so active.. There is a biological possibility that owls can't stand light... They'll probably hide... The bats are the same kind... Just for you guys' information.

I wonder if the planes need to upgrade themselves with lights during dark hours... Probably some super sonic waves or sonars like the bats so that they know where they are going..

The plants will die... Because of the lack of moon light from one side of the Earth and the other side of the Earth's plants will die because there will be a lack of sun light... Hmm.. According to biology theories.. Plants can live as long as not over unexposed from sun/moon lights..

The goverment will have to impliment street lights all over the world because most of the cars can't see during dark hours... Lights will have to be implimented everywhere.. Houses, cars, roads, buildings.... Imagine the cost.. Oh man.. I really wonder how the Earth manage to spin it self..

And now the whole world willl see the Sun and the moon.. Those who never seen the moon will know that it's smaller than the Sun.. Those that never seen the Sun before will be amazed on how the light is created from it and feel the heat of the Sun.. They would notice that the Sun is actually bigger than the Earth... Will anyone panic? Will anyone suffer heart attack? Some will probably hide inside their houses because they fear that the Sun will smash on the Earth...

Another recent news stating that.. THE SUN IS BIGGER THAN THE EARTH?!?! How come that it is so small?? From our view... It's impossible that it's THAT big... I mean.. How big is the Earth? The Sun is so much more larger than the Earth.. According to the calculations of the scientist... The Sun was 5.33 times bigger than the Earth. The moon is so much smaller...

What will happen to the Pandas, Cheetahs, Polar Bears, Swans, Dracolshians oh... This isn't on Earth.. Sorry.. Erm... The Willies.. The Gorillas.. And the Cochroach?!?!?



Chris Yuen said...

err,ben...i dunno if u're bein jakkun or wat but u do realise dat wen we study science in primary skool,da earth is always rotatin...and we had always had 24 hours...and of course the sun is bigger than our puny's the biggest satelite in our universe...but i do wish we had 4 seasons...and owls can stand light la...but mostly they sleep in the mornin but they're sumtimes awake...and plants depend on sunlight to live...not the moon...and the moon rotates around earth itself...

ThePinkRabbit said...

HAHAHAHAHA...funny post...who knew Ben could be so sarcastic...or could write about the wonders of science...IT'S A MIRACLE!!!


Invi said...

Yes, Sam... I agree totally what you've just said... till the last exclamation mark of 'BEN CAN WRITE!!!'. Haha... a chokeful of sarcasm.

Anonymous said...





CD055-1 said...

i had nth better to do.. hahah.. i thought can receive more comments so can read more ketam u guys post.. haih.... but i'm impressed that i've written so much~~


CD055-1 said...

publish this in Oh Dear! magazine~

ThePinkRabbit said...

hahaha...alright..contribution from benruto..