I just want you to know that I'm really sorry
If the unexpected turned up, it's my fault
I never meant to rob you of a good time
I just thought maybe if we tried harder it might turn out different
I guess not
I guess I just made it worse
And I just want you to know
I'm sorry

I really am


Chris Yuen said...

who posted this??

Invi said...

Benruto in emo mode? I don't think this blog was meant for emo posts, dude...

CD055-1 said...

.... no it's not me... since when i'm in emo mode?

To the post-er,

if you don't show yourself.. you say sorry 100 times also it's no use as it's not sincere enough...

and besides.. in our class.. no one looks down on anyone or anything.. the only fun thing that happens is when everyone of us is there.. you're not excluded... i don't know what happened to you in your past but, you just have to look at things from a different angle for sometime..

sometimes it may look bad for you.. but.. it's just your imagination.. trust me..

p.s. If this is a real emo post, I 80% know who you are already. If this is a joke post, you've done well in deceiving...

CD055-1 said...

don't you ever think that perhaps whoever posted kept anynomous because someone might get hurt is names were said?if you have no idea what really happened, its better to just shut up, you know.

use your head.
and stop jumping to conclusions.

ThePinkRabbit said...

whoa..what happened?

i think if u don't want to reveal urself, it's fine...just make sure that the person u're saying sorry to knows u mean it and that it's meant for them...

let's not be emo anymore...it's so much more fun to be silly and free...

CD055-1 said...

sigh.. looks like 20% won over 80% ^^;;
i found another hint that made 20% win~

Chrystal Giam said...

*ahem* so, TUTUP CASE LA!!!

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha XD

think BBQ!

Chris Yuen said...

*bbq bbq bbq bbq bbq bbq**drool*

Anonymous said...

It's Shawn...