New Group

In class Shidio Fai Fai Wan (CD055-1), there exists many different groups. The most popular in class, F.U.N.T(Fish Under Neptune's Trident) consists of Vincent Sam Goh, Jimbo, Williamina, Cal, Boss Ethan and the great sifu, Julianna. There's also the 'Fantastic 4' which consists of Evonne, Chrystal, May & Ashlei. Jia Ling and Li Sian are in Lipan. Geraldine & Li Sian WERE in Lingerie (Li + N + Geri). There's also Team Ke-Ai with Kexin, Jingyi & Ye Von. Also not forgetting ShaSam (Shaza+Sam) and Mashlei (May+Ashlei).

Now there's a new group in class...

You know ar... you three hang out together it's like some evil council is on
Kye: Evil council eh...
Chrystal: Yeah! You, Chin Hou and Junn Tseng... well... JT might not be evil...
Kye: Hmm...

Discussion with Chin Hou and JT ensued...

The new evil council will be known as BLACK HALO. Rationale: People with really innocent looks (except me) with evil minds (Mostly open to freethinkers, agnostics or atheists only). Logo will come soon... current suggestions include a simple black ring on a white background.


Anonymous said...

Actually, F.U.N.T stands for F*** U No Time..but if we stay known to the world as Fish Under Neptune's'll degrade us big time. We'll stick with F**k U No Time. Hahaha...Black Halo sounds cool, what are the requirements to enter!?

Invi said...

What!? So Chin Hou was right---It IS F*** U No Time. Cannot believe I was misinformed by so many people thinking that it was Fish Under Neptune's Trident. The fish sounds pretty cool to me though.

Requirements to enter:
1.Embrace the darkness
2.Be Evil

Chris Yuen said...

i hang around chin hou and jt long enough but i guess i'm not evil enough..
or am i??

ThePinkRabbit said...

chin hou is THE evil-est of the evil...see the smirk on his face and the quiet way he stares at u...? probably thinking up

just kidding, chin hou...*ooww..mosquito bites sam* CHIN HOU!!! i said i was kidding lorr....aiyo...OOOWWW!!

and how about ah bun? he's evil too...u know how people's eyes squint when they're thinking up evil things? well, ben's eyes are SQUINTY 24/7!!!!

CD055-1 said...

i'll whack you for this.... you're lucky i dind't read this post or not you'll kena today~